Mårdselforsens: A Bridge to Swedish Paradise


Written by Carolyn

31 May 2018

This past weekend, I traveled inland to enjoy the beautifully warm weather that Sweden was providing. Taking the 363 about four hours from Umeå, we drove through the country side, blooming with new buds and leaves. Spring has finally arrived in full force in Sweden! Arriving at a quaint cafe in the town of Mårdsele, we stopped for fika and some lunch and headed into the Mårdsele Forsens Nature Reserve . The reserve consisted of  a large river that had been intersected by many small islands, and were connected by a series of swinging and wooden bridges.

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
One of the many bridges / Credit: Carolyn

Each bridge led us deeper and deeper into the river, and soon I was unsure which way lead back to our starting point!  The rapids on the river were quite large as the ice melt from winter was still contributing to its flow.

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
On to the next island / Credit: Carolyn

Low rock levees had been created in between bridges to lessen the gaps between islands. This provided stunning views of the river that made the user feel as though they were about to be swept down stream…

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
Lichens in full bloom! / Credit: Carolyn

Incredible lichens plastered the rocks here, making them beautiful shades of turquoise and vibrant chartreuse.

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
Perfect place for lunch/ Credit: Carolyn

Stopping on one of the islands, we took a rest and had a traditional Swedish barbecue. As some of my Swedish friends had already introduced me to the culture the barbecue, I was well prepared. Swedes love hanging out in nature or by a local urban lake and sitting out in the sun all day, grilling food and enjoying one another’s company. I decided to follow in their path and take full advantage of this beautiful day.

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
Wood supply and shelter / Credit: Carolyn

Utilizing one of the well stocked shelters on the island, we make our barbecue. Even after almost one year here, I still find it incredible the resources that the nature reserves and national park provides its visitors. It requires quite a lot of maintenance and restocking to keep these facilities functioning, especially with their remote locations and any damages caused from the harsh winter. About thirty minutes out on the trail and about 5 bridges later, we even came to a informatics nature sign. We were blow away!

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
Native species / Credit: Carolyn

Littered across the islands was also moose droppings! I guess they also use the bridges to get from one side to the other…:)

Mårdselforsens naturreservat
Moose evidence! / Credit: Carolyn

Written by Carolyn

31 May 2018