5 must have indoor plants in Sweden


Written by Lara

28 Nov 2020

Decorating your place is very important, especially if you will be spending a lot of time indoors. After thorough research on Scandinavian home decors, I found that they all have one thing in common: PLANTS. Think about it! There is nothing more lively and beautiful than having a piece of nature in your house. Not only do they add a touch of color to your space but they improve the air quality and humidity. I decided to try it in my own student room. Today I have 6 plants that are my best friends (not in a sad way).

Without any further ado, here are 5 beautiful indoor plants that are low maintenance and will change your whole space:

1. Swiss Cheese Plant or Monstera delicious

This is my favorite plant of all time. I had one in my apartment in Lebanon, and it is the first thing I bought in Sweden. In Arabic, we call it “bear paw” as it has large glossy leaves that start to split when the plant grows. Monsteras help filter the air and take out toxins. They thrive in indirect sunlight and require water once every few days.

2. Coleus (Palettblad)

These plants are so practical! Their colors and textures are very beautiful and you can cut it at any moment and multiply it. In Arabic, they are called “carpet” because of their texture. They thrive in light and sunny areas but do not require direct sunlight, which makes it perfect to grow in Sweden. They do not need a lot of water, just water it every few days.

3. Pilea peperomioides or Chinese Money Plant

This plant is known as elephant ears in Swedish. It’s an amazing plant that propagates quickly. My plant already has a few baby plants growing on its base. They are characterized by their round parasol-like, light green leaves. The elephant ear came to Sweden relatively late in the 1940s, when the Norwegian missionary Agnar Espegren brought a copy home from China. Today it’s a very popular and trendy potted plant. They grow preferably in partial shade or a bright and sunny spot and should stay partially moist.

4. Oxalis Triangularis

Oxalis triangularis is often referred to as “purple shamrocks.” I personally find that it looks like purple butterflies! I don’t have this plant yet but I’ve seen it in my Swedish friend’s apartments and it is absolutely amazing. Oxalis triangularis is apparently “photophilic,” meaning that they open and close their leaves when exposed to light. Therefore they look different in the morning than at night. That’s dope! They prefer sunny spots, and sometimes look like they‘re dead (dormant), but wake up again after a couple of weeks.

5. The wardrobe flower or Zamiakalla

This plant got its name because it is so low maintenance that it can literally stay alive in a dark closet. It grows slowly, survives both drought and locations without direct sunlight. It doesn’t need to be watered often and survives in both shade and light environments. This plant is a living legend!

In conclusion, having indoor plants is fantastic. They’re living creatures that improve your whole space. It’s also a privilege to have a piece of nature that you get to watch every day. If you don’t have plants yet, I would definitely urge you to get one!

Illustration of indoor plants.
Photo: Lara

Written by Lara

28 Nov 2020