My name is Justine and I'm from Germany 🇩🇪. I studied a Master's in Applied Ethics at Linköping University.

Hej hej!
I am originally from Germany but have lived abroad ever since I finished high school. I volunteered in the USA, did my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in the Netherlands, went to Budapest for my Erasmus semester in between, and now I am here, in Linköping in Sweden. Sweden has been my utopia since my first Astrid Lindgren book so I decided to take the step to move here and study a new field in a new country once again. All my international experiences have been extremely valuable and formative to me and I want to encourage more people to be courageous, take the chance, and study abroad.
In the blog I want to show you what my life as a German girl in a cute little Swedish city is like, what I do, what I like, what I don’t like, what I miss… I will be happy to answer any questions you might have, try to take your worries, or tell you about my experiences!
Stay tuned 🙂
MA Applied Ethics at Linköping University
Past Ambassador
Justine was a digital ambassador between 2016-2017 and is not available for answering emails and comments on posts.